|  | Dear Justice-Seeker, This issue of MFSAVoices is jam-packed with resources and information. So much so that it won't all fit in your email message so be sure to click view entire message at the bottom of this email to view the entire issue. Our newsletters are designed to be used all month long. So take a quick glance and take note of important dates to add to your calendar but also come back in the following weeks to work your way through the action items. Gmail users—move us to your primary inbox - On your phone? Click the 3 dots at the top right corner, click "Move to" then "Primary"
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We continue to see the urgency of our work to make broad systemic change. Change that honors the dignity and worth of all people, puts people over money, and honors the earth and all her inhabitants. Since 1907, MFSA has been shining a light on injustice and organizing to change it. You make our collective work possible by your witness for justice every day in your church, community, and Annual Conference. MFSA does not receive any financial support from the United Methodist Church's giving channels. 100% of our budget is funded through your membership dues and your generosity in giving. | | | |  | Florida MFSA, Boycott Wendy's! By Rev. Roy M. Terry IV A march for human rights and an end to modern slavery. Sixteen hundred feet marched Saturday, April 2nd, through the streets of Palm Beach, Florida. The march was a call to action, holding fast-food giant Wendy’s accountable for ignoring the abuses occurring throughout their unregulated food chains. The protest also called Wendys to join the modern world and sign the “Fair Food Program,” offering fundamental human rights to farmworkers and their families. This was the first significant action of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers since shutdowns related to the pandemic. Everyone involved in the action was thrilled to be able to gather together again and offer a physical witness to this critical work for justice. Among the 800+ participants were United Methodists joining together with siblings of a broad collection of farmworkers, denominations, non-profit groups, student movements, and other faith traditions. The action represented the fantastic tapestry of the great human family. It was a sign of the kin-dom. Along with several United Methodist churches were representatives from the Florida MFSA, Florida Annual Conference office, and United Methodist Women. Bishop Ken Carter, resident Bishop of Florida/Western North Carolina Conferences, penned a letter to Wendy’s CEO Nelson Peltz asking him to lead Wendy’s into this new day of hope and corporate responsibility. In 2015, the Florida Conference approved a resolution supporting the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and their efforts to bring Wendy’s and other corporations to the “Fair Food Program.” Wendy’s is one of the few fast-food companies that have yet to sign the agreement. Taco Bell, McDonald’s, Burger King, Chipotle, and many others have all signed, participated, and contributed to this greater good. Wendy’s blatantly disregard for cases of modern slavery occurring throughout unregulated farms leaves them culpable. Palm Beach was selected for this action as it is the new location for the corporate office of Wendy’s. CEO Nelson Pelts also owns a home in Palm Beach. Those gathered enjoyed a beautiful day together, prayed, peacefully marched, and let the community and world know that such abuses need to end. This action was also the first time in 60 years that a protest march had been held in Palm Beach. The CIW and its allies would like to invite you to take action, lend your voice, and let Wendy’s know we want them to join this good work. This is an international effort; there are Wendy’s worldwide. Take the time to act. Get involved in one of the great civil rights movements of our time. There are plenty of ways you can get involved. | | | Rev. Roy M. Terry IV is the pastor of Cornerstone United Methodist Church, Naples, Florida. Cornerstone is located just 30 minutes from the CIW headquarters in Immokalee, Florida. The church has been an ally of the CIW since its early years. Roy is a creative who enjoys playing guitar, writing music, painting, and has written a work of theological fiction entitled “Light Through a Rusty Roof.” Brian D. McLaren recently endorsed the book saying, “A great read that will take you places you need to go.” | | | | |  | Rescheduling Date TBD: Stealing the Earth Part 5: Undoing the Doctrine: Developing a Theology of Repentance & Repair We are so sorry for the inconvenience but we ended up having to reschedule this webinar. We are currently in the process of looking at dates in May and are working with our speakers to set a new date. Looking at May 25 as a possibility. You can go ahead and register now and if the date changes you will get an update from us and from zoom about the change. You can watch the previous four webinars in the Stealing the Earth series and access the resources here. | | | |  | Ukraine & Palestine: Double Standards, Hypocrisy, Racism What does it mean for the Palestinian Rights Movement? Few would suggest that the devastating invasion of Ukraine deserves less than our deepest concern and a robust response. However, these events dominating our Western media for two months have also raised unavoidable and troubling questions among justice advocates and human rights defenders. The continuing flood of media attention, the outrage over war crimes, the endorsement of grassroots militant resistance, the empathy for refugees and support for their determination to return home, the embrace of BDS actions in government and business...it goes on and on. While the vivid double standards and hypocrisy on display and the racism that underlies them are shocking, they may also be instructive. In this webinar, we will examine these developments more closely and consider what can be learned to inform and strengthen the movement for Palestinian liberation. Our panel will include Edo Konrad, Editor-in-Chief of +972 Magazine, one of Israel's premier publications for groundbreaking reporting and analysis. Edo will be joined by a leading Palestinian commentator, to be announced. UMKR communications director, M. Theresa Basile, will be the moderator for this discussion. | | | |  | International Workers' Day May 1st is widely celebrated around the world as International Workers' Day, a time to recognize the contributions of labor as well as to advocate for workers' rights. National Farmworker Ministry is promoting a variety of opportunities to show solidarity with farmworkers taking place in the Northeast, Northwest, and Florida. - Vermont farmworkers are calling on Hannaford retail stores to ensure human rights for the farmworkers behind Hannaford brand milk. Check out this guide to learn how you can take action today.
- Join the March Campesina and show support for tulip workers and Familias Unidas for la Justicia in Mount Vernon, WA. Learn more here.
- Farmworker Association of Florida is gathering with other community groups for a March and Rally for Immigration Reform. Learn more here.
| | | |  | | |  | Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story Curriculum and Study Guide A curriculum and study guide has been developed to help educators, community leaders, and organizers connect and engage with FOR's 1957 comic book, Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story. The guide includes the following: background readings, guiding & discussion questions, K-12 classroom lesson activities, and additional reading and learning recommendations. This resource hopes to build connections between the Montgomery Bus Boycott, civil rights movement of the 1950's/60's, and past and present global struggles for peace and justice. | | | |  | World Peace Congress Did you know about the World Peace Congress? It happened in October 2021 and was organized by the International Peace Bureau and the International Catalan Institute for Peace. More than 2500 people representing 126 countries attended both virtually and in person. The theme, "(Re)imagine the world. Action for peace and justice," inspired speeches covering issues including nuclear disarmament, climate justice, racism and the rights of indigenous peoples. You can find the Action Plan here. | | | |  | Marjorie Tuell, 1926-2022 Long-time United Methodist justice-seeker, Marjorie Tuell passed away in February. Marjorie Tuell was an important part of the California-Pacific conference while her husband, Bishop Jack Tuell, served as episcopal leader from 1980-1992. We remember and celebrate Marjorie's life. | | | |  | Urge Congress to Reject Anti-Asylum Policies The Biden Administration has announced a plan to end the Title 42 policy by May 23rd, 2022. This policy was misused by the previous administration and continued in the Biden Administration to expel over 1.7 million vulnerable individuals seeking refuge at the U.S. southern border without due process under the false pretense of public health. New measures have been introduced in an attempt to keep Title 42 in place after the announcement was made to end the policy. One such measure is the Public Health and Border Security Act of 2022 which will make it difficult or impossible to rescind Title 42 and force border expulsion to still take place. "As people of faith, it is vital that we share our call to welcome vulnerable people with warmth and open arms, and urge Members of Congress to do the same." Contact your members of Congress and urge them to reject this dangerous bill, oppose similar measures, and hold the Biden Administration accountable toe ending the Title 42 policy by May 23rd. | | | |  | Jericho Road Reflection Check out Alex Awad's video reflection on the Jericho Road this Easter season. | | | |  | Now's the Time for Action Here are a few ways you can seek justice and work for broad systemic change: - Contact your members of Congress and urge them to reject the Public Health and Border Security Act of 2022, oppose similar measures, and hold the Biden Administration accountable to ending the Title 42 policy by May 23rd.
- Urge your members of Congress to include housing investments in the FY23 federal funding legislation for affordable housing, homelessness, and community development programs, including an expansion of rental assistance.
- Call on Congress to pass an Afghan Adjustment Act which will help keep families together and ensure lasting protection for at-risk Afghans.
- Join a National Nonviolent Moral Direct Action Call-In in calling the offices of Senator Manchin, Senator Sinema, Senator McConnell, and Senator Schumer.
- Write your Representative to join Representative Susan Wild and urge the Administration to hold officials responsible for grave human rights violations in the Philippines accountable through targeted sanctions.
- Sign up for Coalition of Immokalee Workers Fair Food mailing list to learn more about what you can do to advocate for farmworker rights.
- Urge your members of Congress to co-sponsor HR 2590: Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act.
- Join the #WelcomeWithDignity movement by signing the pledge to reimagine the way our country and our communities treat people seeking safety.
- Contact your Senators and Representatives to pass common sense legislation that saves the lives of farm workers like the Asunción Valdivia Heat Illness and Fatality Prevention Act.
- In solidarity, join workers demanding $15/hr and tell McDonald’s to raise wages now.
- Check out what military acquired by your local law enforcement, and sign the petition to demanding more police transparency.
- Contact your elected officials and demand Congress cut funding for ICE and CBP and defund hate.
- Tell your Member of Congress to support the Accessible, Affordable Internet for All (AAIA) Act, an act that can help bridge the digital divide that disproportionately impacts Black, Latinx, Indigenous, rural, or low-income people.
- Write to the leadership of the township of Fairfield, CT to contact Sturm Ruger, the largest firearm manufacturer in the United States with headquarters in Fairfield, and demand the company suspend weapon and bullet sales to Israel.
- Tell President Biden and Vice President Harris to hold Israel accountable to its obligations as an occupying power and insist that Israel provide COVID-19 vaccines equally and fairly to Palestinians living under its occupation.
- Contact your elected officials to take an intersectional response to the incidents of AAPI hate and to center the needs of those most impacted, Asian American women and elders.
- Check the State Voting Bills Tracker to find out if your state lawmakers have introduced one of the 253 bills aimed at suppressing voting rights, and contact your state lawmakers to demand they support voting rights.
- Sign the petition and tell Congress to abolish the federal death penalty.
- Has your country signed on to the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons? Contact your elected officials to support the end of nuclear weapons in the world.
- Check out the BDS Toolkit and learn what economic actions you can take to fight along the side of Palestinians and their struggle.
- Manufacturing in an illegal Israeli settlement is a war crime. Tell General Mills to stop making Pillsbury products on stolen Palestinian land by signing the petition, sending an email to the CEO, and #BoycottPillsbury.
- Write a letter and join the grassroots organizing for the rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants.
- Sign the petition and join Palestinian Cry for Hope: a Call to Decisive Action, a global movement set by Kairos Response that "rouses churches to action and awakens civil society to the reality of Palestinian suffering."
- Take free online university courses on systemic racism.
- Host a virtual Card Writing Party to write and mail letters to immigrants in detention via The Casa Mariposa Detention Visitation Program.
- Call your legislators (202-224-3121) and advocate for permanent federal paid sick leave, expanded unemployment benefits, SNAP increases, and a moratorium on evictions, utility shut-offs, and payments.
| | | | |  | |  | | |  | | | | Contact Us Methodist Federation for Social Action 23 East Adams Ave Detroit, Michigan 48226 (313) 965-5422 ext 121 bridget@mfsaweb.org | | | | | | |