|  | Dear Justice-Seeker, This issue of MFSAVoices is jam-packed with resources and information. So much so that it won't all fit in your email message so be sure to click view entire message at the bottom of this email to view the entire issue. Our newsletters are designed to be used all month long. So take a quick glance and take note of important dates to add to your calendar but also come back in the following weeks to work your way through the action items. Gmail users—move us to your primary inbox - On your phone? Click the 3 dots at the top right corner, click "Move to" then "Primary"
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We continue to see the urgency of our work to make broad systemic change. Change that honors the dignity and worth of all people, puts people over money, and honors the earth and all her inhabitants. COVID-19 continues to highlight the inequities in our society that has literal life or death consequences. Since 1907, MFSA has been shining a light on injustice and organizing to change it. You make our collective work possible by your witness for justice every day in your church, community, and Annual Conference. MFSA does not receive any financial support from the United Methodist Church's giving channels. 100% of our budget is funded through your membership dues and your generosity in giving. Peace and Justice, | |  | | |  | It's Giving Tuesday! A global generosity movement, Giving Tuesday unleashes the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and their world. Join the movement and kick off the generosity season this year by making a gift to MFSA. Through the gifts of a few generous donors the first $5,000 will be matched! Gifts given via Facebook fundraiser or via check with Giving Tuesday in the memo will go towards the $5000 match. Mail check gifts to our address: MFSA 23 East Adams Ave Detroit, MI 48226 | | | |  | Webinar: Military Spending & Global (In)Security The Global Campaign on Military Spending and the Asia-Europe People's Forum will host a webinar on Military Spending & Global (In)Security, discussing "how current levels of military spending condition our global emergencies." Stream the webinar on AEPF's FaceBook page December 3 8am EST, to hear from speakers, Michael T. Klare, Binalakshmi Nepram, Tarja Cronberg and Walden Bello, and moderators Jordi Calvo and Corazon Valdez Fabros, AND to see GCOMS coordinator Jordi Calvo present on the newly published book Military Spending and Global Security. Humanitarian and Environmental Perspectives. | | | | | |  | Film Screening Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools United Methodist Women is hosting a screening of the documentary film "Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools" on December 8 from 6 ET. Inspired by Dr. Monique Morris' book of the same title, the film will be followed by participatory discussion groups, a response panel, and a call to action. | | | |  | Webinar: Christmas in Bethlehem In the place where Jesus was born, how do the Christians who live there today celebrate his birth? How do they honor Jesus’ coming? What do Christian families do on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? What are their customs and traditions? And, in this extraordinary year of 2020, how will their celebrations be affected by the coronavirus pandemic? Learn about Christmas today in the "little town of Bethlehem," from a Palestinian Christian family in occupied Bethlehem. They will be speaking to us from Wi'am, The Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center. Located next to a large Israeli checkpoint and watchtower, the Wi'am Center advances a culture of peace and acceptance while promoting nonviolent resolution to conflict. Wi'am is also a United Methodist Church Advance Special, Advance #14910A. You can support their work by making a donation through the UMC General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM): https://umcmission.org/advance-project/14910a/ | | | |  | Chapter Highlight: NY MFSA How to be an Anti-racist Congregation with Garlinda Burton In October, the New York Chapter of MFSA held a virtual fall banquet featuring guest speaker Garlinda Burton, current interim general secretary and CEO for the General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR). The evening began with a time of virtual fellowship. As guests arrived, they were invited to share their location and what they hope to learn during our time together in the chat feature of Zoom. An opening prayer by Carolyn Engelhardt kicked off the banquet, followed by a brief history of MFSA by Rev. George McClain, current MFSA board member and former Executive Director for the MFSA National Office. Deaconess Megan Hale, the Program Council Representative of the New York Chapter, introduced Garlinda Burton, and the program began. Garlinda Burton, a deaconess in the United Methodist Church who has nearly 40 years of experience working for international agencies of the UMC began by “calling a thing a thing.” She said that “racism is a thing, and we need to name it.” | | | |  | Justice-Seeking Community Highlight It Takes a City: Witnessing the 2020 Election in Philadelphia By Natalie Buck, Global Mission Fellow US-2 at Arch Street UMC This election was certainly one to remember in Philadelphia, and I’m incredibly grateful that I was able to play one small role in a collective effort. The 2020 presidential election included months of preparation and mail-in voting, a day of in-person voting, and joyful resistance as court challenges threatened to dismiss some mail-in votes. It wouldn’t have been possible without my neighbors in North Philadelphia, our Arch Street UMC team, the interfaith advocacy organization POWER, and activists and community members that connected downtown. November 3 was a day to honor the preparation that was required by Philadelphians. Throughout that morning, afternoon, and evening I went with my fellow United Methodist Global Mission Fellow Ben Lasley to the closest polling station, only four blocks from Serenity House Community Center where I work, to hand out extra masks and candy to voters. These practical and fun signs of support to voters were both available through Arch Street UMC. As a 501c3 non-profit, Arch Street has been working with city officials to make sure that folks in Center City and North Philly have access to PPE. | | | If your church, small group, ministry group, or community is interested in becoming a Justice-Seeking Community, please click the link and check out the JSC Covenant: https://bit.ly/2HUTgA1 | | |  | MFSA in the News This past Election was characterized by a mixture of both old and new struggles. The pandemic impacted the norms of Election Day and truly made it an unforgettable Election Season. Months before November 3, voters requested absentee and mail-in ballots. There were limited polling locations. The USPS was overworked, and there were fears on whether one's mail in ballot would arrive postmarked by November 3 to be counted. And of course, there was voter suppression and intimidation rampant, as the unfortunate status quo of U.S. elections. Recognizing the reality of a Covid Election Season, Iowa MFSA, as a member of the Democracy Defenders Iowa, signed an open letter to Governor Kim Reynolds and other Iowa officials on the need to "uphold free and fair elections. The open letter called for officials to "put democracy over politics" and to count every vote. Read the full open letter to Gov. Kim Reynolds and Iowa officials. . . . Wisconsin MFSA honored Marieta Huff the 2020 Perry Saito Award, an award recognizing "leadership in promoting social justice and the common good." A member of Immanuel United Methodist Church, Marieta shared, “Bias related to race and sexual orientation, physical appearance, developmental delay, age make everything worse. In Matthew 25, Jesus says that the last judgment will be like separating the people who helped others by giving a drink of water to the thirsty, food to the hungry, clothing to the naked, from those who didn’t help. He said, ‘as you did these things for the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.’ " Learn more about Rev. Perry Saito, his legacy, and the Marieta's advocacy work. | | |  | The Liberation Project "The Liberation Project is a national conversation of Christians exploring the Gospel of Liberation. We seek a world where all of God’s Creation is collectively liberating systems of oppression, resurrecting new life, and collaborating with and for the mutuality and fullness of humanity." Check out and share out resources ranging from music to arts to sermons on The Liberation Project's website and FaceBook page. | | |  | OUT: The National Cancer Survey In September, the National LGBT Cancer Network launched Out: The National Cancer Survey. This anonymous survey will be utilized to "help inform cancer care for the estimated 81,000 LGBTQI+ people who are diagnosed with cancer every year." Learn if you are eligible to contribute to this valuable survey. | | | |  | Now's the Time for Action Now is the time to continue to push for broad systemic change. Here are a few ways you can seek justice in these uncertain and difficult times: - Join the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and students around the U.S. and send an email to major U.S. food delivery services to "stop doing business with Wendy's until the hamburger giant ensures enforceable protections for farmworkers' human rights by joining the Fair Food Program."
- Manufacturing in an illegal Israeli settlement is a war crime. Tell General Mills to stop making Pillsbury products on stolen Palestinian land by signing the petition, sending an email to the CEO, and #BoycottPillsbury.
- If you are a voter in Georgia, you have until December 7th to register to vote in the Senate runoff. Make sure to register to vote and encourage other Georgian voters to register to have their voice and vote count in January.
- Call your Senators and demand Congress provide support and Covid relief for the US Postal Service.
- Sign your name in the petition to say no to the USDA's plans that will cut the wages of farm workers.
- Contact your elected official to sponsor the Philippine Human Rights Act (PHRA). If passed, the PHRA "will block all forms of U.S. aid to both the army and police of the Philippines until human rights conditions are met."
- Demand justice for Jacob Blake.
- Write a letter and join the grassroots organizing for the rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants.
- Sign the petition and join Palestinian Cry for Hope: a Call to Decisive Action, a global movement set by Kairos Response that "rouses churches to action and awakens civil society to the reality of Palestinian suffering."
- Take free online university courses on systemic racism.
- Host a virtual Card Writing Party to write and mail letters to immigrants in detention via The Casa Mariposa Detention Visitation Program.
- Call your legislators (202-224-3121) and advocate for permanent federal paid sick leave, expanded unemployment benefits, SNAP increases, and a moratorium on evictions, utility shut-offs, and payments.
- Use your voice and sign the petition calling on Congress for a moral response to COVID-19. The current legislation doesn't do enough to address the extent of the crisis (universal health care, living wages, worker protection, adequate income, and anti-poverty programs to name a few).
- Sign the petition: Demand state and federal lawmakers end the use of private prisons and protect incarcerated people from COVID-19.
| | | | |  | We at MFSA encourage you to be a witness and a good neighbor. Please continue to do your part in flattening the curve by practicing physical distancing. | | | |  | | |  | | | Contact Us Methodist Federation for Social Action 23 East Adams Ave Detroit, Michigan 48226 (313) 965-5422 ext 121 bridget@mfsaweb.org | | | | | | |