Since 1907 the Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) has been mobilizing clergy and laity to take action on issues of peace, poverty and people’s rights within the church, the nation and the world. Become a member today!
Becoming a member of MFSA means you will be joining other activists who care about issues of justice and peace and actively work to make a difference.
As a member, you will receive a monthly E-Newsletter with action alerts and resources, news from regional MFSA communities and members, and reviews of resources for putting your faith into action.
When you join MFSA you automatically become a member of the Oregon-Idaho MFSA Regional Office and the National MFSA organization. 20% of your membership dues go to the work of the local community, while 80% goes to the national work of MFSA. MFSA is a 100% membership supported organization. Contributions to MFSA are tax deductible.
Membership in Oregon-Idaho MFSA is not dependent upon a financial contribution. If you are not able to make a donation at this time, email us to be included in the membership list. Members receive our newsletter and other occasional mailings, as well as invitations to be involved in the work of social justice. Contact us at OregonIdaho@mfsaweb.org.