Dear Justice-Seeker, This issue of MFSAVoices is jam-packed with resources and information. So much so that it won't all fit in your email message so be sure to click view entire message at the bottom of this email to view the entire issue. Our newsletters are designed to be used all month long. So take a quick glance and take note of important dates to add to your calendar but also come back in the following weeks to work your way through the action items. Gmail users—move us to your primary inbox
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We continue to see the urgency of our work to make broad systemic change. Change that honors the dignity and worth of all people, puts people over money, and honors the earth and all her inhabitants. Since 1907, MFSA has been shining a light on injustice and organizing to change it. You make our collective work possible by your witness for justice every day in your church, community, and Annual Conference. MFSA does not receive any financial support from the United Methodist Church's giving channels. 100% of our budget is funded through your membership dues and your generosity in giving. |
MFSA Joins Religious Organizations Calling for Free Exercise of Religion On June 27th, 2022 the Supreme Court, in Kennedy v. Bremerton, undermined the religious freedom of public school students by allowing a football coach to pray on the 50 yard line immediately after games. When teachers and coaches pray, students feel pressured to join in. We believe that no student should ever feel like they must pray in order to play public sports, and no student should feel excluded because they do not share the same religious beliefs as their teachers and coaches. Public schools should be open, welcoming, inclusive environments for all students, regardless of faith or belief, and this decision makes America a less-free nation. Public school students are now at risk of being pressured to take part in religious activity against their will and this ruling puts even more power into the hands of an already privileged Christian nationalist majority. This decision also comes alongside other devastating losses of our constitutional rights including reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, voting rights, and public education. MFSA joined 34 other religious organizations in an amicus brief to the Supreme Court expressing our support for Bremerton School District in “defending its students rights to follow their own consciences and pray according to their own religious beliefs.” Though the Supreme Court decision was devastating, we believe our advocacy helped make the case for religious freedom in public schools, and Justice Sotomayer, on page 3 of the dissent, even cited the amicus brief MFSA signed. |
7 Steps Before the Midterms: A Movement Declaration to Reconstruct American Democracy The Poor People's Campaign is uniting people across the country to challenge the evils of systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, ecological devastation, and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism. Check out their 7 Steps Before Midterms, the current plan to work toward their Third Reconstruction Agenda in recognizing that policies that center the 140 million poor and low-income people are also good economic policies that can heal and transform the country. The demands and declarations include: 1. That every member of Congress publicly acknowledge the reality and pain of 140 million poor and low wealth people. 2. Every member of Congress commit to creating and supporting legislation that reflects the Third Reconstruction Agenda. 3. A White House Poverty Summit 4. The Campaign will engage in massive mobilization and outreach through every means available. 5. To return to Washington D.C. in September 2022. 6. A nationwide effort to register and educate poor and low-income communities to vote. 7. We are a movement that votes. |
Final Report of the Philippine Election 2022 International Observers Mission The Final Report of the Philippine Elections 2022 International Observers Mission has recently been released. Over 60 observers from 11 countries were on the ground in the Philippines since April 1 documenting the campaign, the vote, and aftermath of the elections. These observers have documented elections-related human rights violations, and the Final Report collects their reports and provides recommendations going forward. |
"March for the Governor's Signature" Farm workers will launch a 335 mile "March for the Governor's Signature" on August 3rd in Delano, California. They will be urging Governor Gavin Newsom to sign the Agricultural Labor Relations Voting Choice Act (AB 2183). AB 2183 would provide more choices in how farm workers vote in union elections. The bill would give more choices to farm workers so they can vote free from intimidation. Farm workers would be able to vote in secret whenever and wherever they feel safe. NFWM and other faith partners have written to the governor urging him to sign the legislation. If you or your faith group is interested in joining the Farm Workers' March for the Governor's Signature, contact nfwm@nfwm.org for more information. If you do not live nearby, join the United Farm Workers and National Farmworker Ministry mailing lists to learn how you can take action |
Influencing Our Elected Leaders and Holding Them Accountable: Power of the People
Access the latest recording and resources from MFSA and UMKR's webinar, "Influencing our Elected Leaders and Holding them Accountable: Power of the People."