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Dear Justice-Seeker,

This month, we had too much to fit into just one email! Here's a supplemental with a few extra updates.

We continue to see the urgency of our work to make broad systemic change. Change that honors the dignity and worth of all people, puts people over money, and honors the earth and all her inhabitants. Since 1907, MFSA has been shining a light on injustice and organizing to change it.  

You make our collective work possible by your witness for justice every day in your church, community, and Annual Conference. MFSA does not receive any financial support from the United Methodist Church's giving channels. 100% of our budget is funded through your membership dues and your generosity in giving.


International Interfaith Day of Prayer
for Just Peace in the Philippines

The Interfaith Network of the International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines (ICHRP) is joining with the National Council of Churches in the Philippines to call for an international interfaith day of prayer for a Just Peace in the Philippines on September 1, 2024. We are calling for this day of prayer on September 1 to coincide with the commemoration of the signing of the Hague Joint Declaration of 1992, an important agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines that sets the purpose of peace talks to achieve a peace that is just and lasting in the Philippines.

The Interfaith Network, convened by the ICHRP, consists of faith organizations worldwide committed to defending human rights in the Philippines and achieving a just and lasting peace. This call is especially urgent as the Marcos Jr. administration's counter-insurgency efforts continue to violate the rights of the Filipino people, targeting not just armed groups but also civilian activists and organizations. These actions, often justified as counter-insurgency, have resulted in widespread violations of International Humanitarian Law, including indiscriminate bombings, torture, and enforced disappearances. The path to peace in the Philippines requires the dismantling of oppressive systems and a genuine commitment to negotiated political solutions that respect human rights and previously established agreements. As people of faith, we amplify the call for just peace, urging the international community to stand in solidarity with the Filipino people.


Photo: ICAN | Darren Ornitz

Stand with ICAN: No Money for Nuclear Weapons

This September 16 to 22, 2024, join people from around the globe in the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) with one powerful message: “No Money for Nuclear Weapons!”

Why is this important? Nuclear weapons programs siphon critical public funds away from essential services like health care, education, and disaster relief. The staggering truth is that nuclear-armed countries are spending more than $173,000 every minute on their nuclear arsenals—that’s over $90 billion each year. Meanwhile, the corporations behind these weapons and their investors are raking in billions in profits.

This campaign is a call to action for all of us to advocate for a shift in priorities. Instead of funding weapons of mass destruction, these resources should be redirected to build a more just and peaceful world. Let’s raise our voices and demand a change.


None of our work towards justice in the United Methodist Church and our world is possible without your prayers, your commitment to living out your faith, your leadership, and your gifts. It is the sum of all of our collective work that we have accomplished so much this year. We still have a lot of work ahead of us as we organize to live into the legislation that we passed at General Conference. Please make a gift to MFSA and help us reach our Annual Conference fundraising goal. We have $6,258.31 to go.


Now's the Time for Action

Here are a few ways you can seek justice and work for broad systemic change:

  1. Join the boycott of Chevron who is profiting off the genodize in Gaza

  2. Tell President Biden to Recognize Palestinian Statehood NOW! Sign the Petition

  3. Amend the Farm Bill

  4. Call for a ceasefire now 

  5. Here is a list of products and services to boycott of companies that are supporting Israel's apartheid of Palestine.

  6. Take the pledge to bring racial justice into our education system. From curriculum to student life, there is so much we can do to make schools a safe and equitable place for all children.

  7. Protect Anti-Corruption human rights defenders in Africa.

  8. Ask Congress to expand access to medical care as one way to fight back against racial inequality.

  9. The House has passed the reauthorization of The Fredrick Douglas Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act. Now the Senate needs to do the same. Let them know to pass this vital legislation.

  10. We must continue to protect people seeking asylum. With anti-immigrant sentiment still high among part of the country it is vital we ensure our laws protect those coming here to escape dangerous situations. 


In Case You Missed It

  1. Visit the Racial Audit Report page on our website

  2. Read Taku Chinogwenya's article, Frontline, Fence Line, and Shoreline Communities

  3. Deaconess Leah Wandera's Post General Conference Reflection


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